Peek Plugin Chat Style Example

Peek Plugin Chat displays active chat sessions and their messages.

  • The active chat sessions should indicate if there are unread messages.
  • The message lists will display sent messages on the right and received messages on the left.
  • Background contextual colours will distinguish a successfully sent message or an emergency “SOS” message received.





Originally this plugin was designed to send messages between the power grid control room and field engineers.

Simple communications with external systems.


The chat-list component displays a list of active chat sessions that route to the msg-list component. The “New Chat” button in the Navigation Bar routes to the new-chat component.

The new-chat component creates new chat sessions. The user builds a list of one or more users for a new chat session.

The msg-list component shows the list of sent and received messages for the selected chat session. The “angle-left” button in the Navigation Bar routes to the chat-list component. The user has the option to compose a new message to send of send an “SOS” message.


The .plugin-chat-list class contain the classes specific to the chat-list component. The .plugin-chat-messages class contains the classes specific to the msg-list component. The new-chat component uses generic classes, see Other Useful Styles.

.plugin-chat-list {
      Contains the chat-list component classes

  .chat-list-messages {
        Contains the Messages attributes unique to the Chat List

    .chat-list-icon {
          Contains the icon attributes unique to the message class
          The icon is used to indicate unread messages

    .chat-list-title {
          Contains the topic text attributes unique to the message class


.plugin-chat-messages {
      Contains the msg-list component classes

  .chat-messages-list {
        Attributes for the container of messages, unique to the Chat
        Scrolls through the messages with most recent at the bottom.

    .chat-messages-sent {
          Contains the sent message attributes unique to the message-list
          Container is right aligned with background colour different to the
          received class.
          bg-success class applied for a successfully sent message.

    .chat-messages-received {
          Contains the received text attributes unique to the message-list
          Container is right aligned with background colour different to the
          sent class.
          bg-warning class applied for an emergency priority message.

    .chat-messages-details {
          Contains the message details text attributes unique to the
          message-list class.
          The message details should not be the focus of attention (text-muted)

    .chat-messages-emergency {
          Contains the emergency priority message text attributes unique to the
          message-list class

    .chat-messages-normal {
          Contains the normal priority message text attributes unique to the
          message-list class

  .chat-messages-compose {
        Contains the compose message area attributes unique to the
        chat messages.
        Fixed to the bottom of the screen.

    .chat-messages-new-text {
          Contains the new message text attributes unique to the
          chat-messages-compose class.

.chat-messages-btn-group {

  .chat-messages-btn {
        Contains the button attributes unique to the
        chat-messages-compose class.


SCSS Files

The Inbox style classes are found in the _plugin_chat.scss.

The Inbox HTML layout classes are found in the _plugin_chat.web.scss.

The Inbox NativeScript layout classes are found in the _plugin_chat.ns.scss.


chat-list component



<div class="peek-nav-section">
        The following 'div' groups button to the left of the Nav Bar.
        Can contain one to many buttons
    <div class="btn-group pull-left"
        <button class="btn"
            New Chat

<div class="plugin-chat-list">
    <!-- Use the template tag syntax, as this works with nativescript too -->
    <ng-template ngFor let-chat [ngForOf]="chats" let-i="index">
        <div class="chat-list-messages" (click)="chatClicked(chat)">

            <!-- Unread indicator -->
            <fa class="chat-list-icon" name="fw" *ngIf="isChatRead(chat)"></fa>
            <fa class="chat-list-icon" name="comment-o" *ngIf="!isChatRead(chat)"></fa>

            <!-- Other Users -->
            <div class="chat-list-title" *ngFor="let user of otherChatUsers(chat)">
                {{userDisplayName(user)}} ({{user.userId}})

new-chat component

<div [@dialogAnimation]="dialogAnimationState"

    <div class="h2">
        Start a chat wth :

    <div class="p"
        No users selected
        <li *ngFor="let u of data.users">

    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="h4"
            Add User:
        <select class="form-control"
            <option [value]="i" *ngFor="let i = index; let item of usersStrList">

        <Button class="btn" (click)="addUserClicked()"
            Add User

        <Button class="btn" (click)="confirmClicked(false)"
            Create Chat

        <Button class="btn" (click)="cancelClicked(false)">

msg-list component

<div class="peek-nav-section">
    <div class="btn-group pull-left"
        <button class="btn"
            <fa name="angle-left"></fa>

<div class="plugin-chat-messages"
    <!-- No Messages -->
    <div class="h3"
        No messages

    <div class="chat-messages-list">

        <div *ngFor="let i=index; let msg of messages()">
            <!-- Unread marker -->
            <hr *ngIf="isFirstUnreadMesage(i)"/>

            <!-- From and Date -->
            <div [class.sent]="isMessageFromThisUser(msg)"
                <div class="chat-messages-details"
                    From {{userDisplayName(msg)}} ({{msg.fromUserId}}), {{timePast(msg)}}

                <div class="chat-messages-details"
                    {{timePast(msg)}} ago

                <div []="isMessageFromThisUser(msg)"

                    <div class="chat-messages-normal"

                    <div class="chat-messages-emergency"


    <div class="chat-messages-compose">
    <textarea class="form-control"

        <button class="btn" type="button"

        <button class="btn" type="button"
